No-Kno's granular measurement across markets and touch points, considering content topics and performance data, provides a deep understanding of where a brand excels and where it can improve its diverse representation in marketing.

Sector insights

A study of 8000 TV, internet, and print advertisements shows that people over 45 are underrepresented, particularly women.

Channel insights

Marketers and agencies often focus on casting. However, media buying can dramatically shift the diversity the audience sees.

Competitor insights

Futurekind and No-Kno collaborated on qualitative research about the New Muslim Consumer in the Benelux.

Combining qualitative research and No-Kno’s diversity analytics, we proved the link between diverse representation and brand preference for fashion brands.

Channel insights

In the analysis of a brand's assets age-diverse casting is evident. On the other hand, the Meta ads of the brand are much less diverse and convey a stereotypical picture of a brand for young people.

Content insights

An analysis of the content marketing of a brand shows ethnically diverse portrayal in the category Sports and hardly any diversity in the category Culture.


Insights into stereotypes in media

The analysis of the Health section of a news publisher shows that they rely heavily on male health experts.


The age requirements for models in alcohol ads are being pre-checked before the ads are published to be compliant with Dutch regulations.

What ‘s next

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